The grant entitled, “Quantifying systematicity, iconicity, and arbitrariness in the American Sign Language lexicon” was awarded to Karen Emmorey (SDSU), Zed Sehyr (SDSU), Naomi Caselli (Boston University), and Ariel Goldberg (Tufts University). The goal of this project is to create the first comprehensive quantitative analysis of the semantic organization of the ASL lexicon, as a companion database to the existing ASL-LEX database (, which depicts the phonological organization of ASL.
Dr. Jennifer Thomas’ research highlighted in Newsweek: Using Cannabis During Pregnancy Disrupts Behavioral Development
Cannabis and alcohol are the two of the most commonly used drugs by pregnant women, and cannabis use is rising due to increased availability and the perception that cannabis is safe. This study found that exposure to cannabinoids during early development can disrupt behavioral development, leading to changes in activity level, motor function, and anxiety. Importantly, these effects can be exacerbated if combined with prenatal alcohol exposure.
Professor Emmorey Featured in Newsweek: What Happens When You Flip Between Languages
“Understanding how different languages coexist and interact in the human brain is important because it lays the groundwork for investigating the social benefits of being bilingual.
San Diego State University’s Karen Emmorey, who studied bilingual individuals fluent in English and ASL, collaborated on the research.”
Research to Reverse Alcohol’s Effects on the Young Brain
“Is it possible to reverse the cognitive deficits seen in children exposed to alcohol in the womb?
San Diego State University psychology professor Jennifer Thomas has made this question a central focus of her life’s work. Thomas led the team that first studied how the essential nutrient choline, plentiful in food like eggs and liver, may improve the cognitive and behavioral function of a fetus or infant whose brain is impaired from prenatal exposure to alcohol.”
Big Data Meets Balance
“To understand and quantify what goes wrong when people suffer from balance disorders, researchers must first understand what normal balance looks like in healthy people. Taking a huge step in that direction, a team including San Diego State University neuromechanics researcher Harsimran “Sim” Baweja recently published the largest-ever comprehensive database of normative balance.”
March 15, 2018 – Autism Research Series
The SDSU Center for Autism and Developmental Disorders and Brain Developmental Imaging Laboratories (BDIL) are hosting an Autism Research Series: Discovery to Solutions event in collaboration with Autism Speaks, a national organization dedicated to advancing research into causes and better treatments for autism spectrum disorders, and increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorders.
- See flyer for details (pdf)
Reminder: Monday, January 22, 018 – Student Seminar

Lisa Mash
REMINDER: Join us on Monday, January 22nd from 2:00-3:00pm for the next installment in our student seminar series!
Lisa Mash, a student in the Brain Development Imaging Lab, will discuss her research on dynamic functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorders.
- See flyer for details (pdf)
Course Offering in Genetics and Neurobiology of Language
This course is a great opportunity for Ph.D. students and post docs, and there are a number of fellowship and scholarship opportunities listed on the website to help defray the cost.
-Karen Emmorey
Course in Genetics and Neurobiology of Language
July 30 – August 5, 2018
Application Deadline: April 15, 2018
Join us January 22, 2018, for the next installment in our CCN student seminar series!

Lisa Mash
Please join us on Monday, January 22nd from 2:00-3:00pm for the next installment in our student seminar series!
Lisa Mash, a student in the Brain Development Imaging Lab, will discuss her research on dynamic functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorders.
- See flyer for details (pdf)
EIS Grand Opening Dedication: January 16, 2018
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